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Session 1E: Algorithmic Aspects of Data Mining

First presentation

Chair: Junhao Gan

Start: 2021-11-02 10:40

End: 2021-11-02 11:50

Second presentation

Chair: Marco Beccuti

Start: 2021-11-02 22:40

End: 2021-11-02 23:50

Papers in this session

rgfp0886 Meta Hyperparameter Optimization with Adversarial Proxy Subsets Sampling
rgfp0467 ClaSP - Time Series Segmentation
afp1996 Enabling Efficiency-Precision Trade-offs for Label Trees in Extreme Classification
rgfp0834 k-sums Clustering: A Stochastic Optimization Approach
rgfp1415 Robust Dynamic Clustering for Temporal Networks
afp0473 Elastic and Stable Compaction for LSM-tree: A FaaS-Based Approach on TerarkDB
rgfp0765 Block Access Pattern Discovery via Compressed Full Tensor Transformer
rgfp0638 Learning to Cluster via Same-Cluster Queries
afp1445 Grassland: A Rapid Algebraic Modeling System for Million-variable Optimization
afp0808 Learning to Pack: A Data-Driven Tree Search Algorithm for Large-Scale 3D Bin Packing Problem
rgfp0178 Top-k Tree Similarity Join
  • Papers highlighted in green indicate the paper is selected for a live spotlight presentation.
  • Papers highlighted in gold indicate the paper has been shortlisted for a best paper award (and will also be presented live).
This programme is indicative. Once registered, please refer to the session programme on Underline.