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Session 5D: Social Networks

First presentation

Chair: Jianxin Li

Start: 2021-11-04 10:40

End: 2021-11-04 11:50

Second presentation

Chair: Elena Tutubalina

Start: 2021-11-04 22:30

End: 2021-11-04 22:40

Papers in this session

rgfp1705 Influence Maximization With Co-Existing Seeds
rgfp1712 Learning Ideological Embeddings from Information Cascades
rgfp0451 Detecting Communities from Heterogeneous Graphs: A Context Path-based Graph Neural Network Model
rgfp0420 Unsupervised Large-Scale Social Network Alignment via Cross Network Embedding
rgfp0504 A Deep Learning Framework for Self-evolving Hierarchical Community Detection
rgfp1518 SCMGR: Using Social Context and Multi-Granularity Relations for Unsupervised Social Summarization
rgfp1206 Neural Information Diffusion Prediction with Topic-Aware Attention Network
rgfp0076 Adversarial Separation Network for Cross-Network Node Classification
afp0944 Influence Maximization in Multi-Relational Social Networks
afp0978 SATAR: A Self-supervised Approach to Twitter Account Representation Learning and its Application in Bot Detection
  • Papers highlighted in green indicate the paper is selected for a live spotlight presentation.
  • Papers highlighted in gold indicate the paper has been shortlisted for a best paper award (and will also be presented live).
This programme is indicative. Once registered, please refer to the session programme on Underline.