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Session 4B: Health and Bio Data

First presentation

Chair: Sen Wang

Start: 2021-11-03 13:00

End: 2021-11-03 14:10

Second presentation

Chair: Rosalba Giugno

Start: 2021-11-04 01:00

End: 2021-11-04 02:10

Papers in this session

afp0333 Multi-Property Molecular Optimization using an Integrated Poly-Cycle Architecture
rgfp0209 Multi-hop Reading on Memory Neural Network with Selective Coverage for Medication Recommendation
rgfp1290 RxNet: Rx-refill Graph Neural Network for Overprescribing Detection
rgfp1160 Into the Unobservables: A Multi-range Encoder-decoder Framework for COVID-19 Prediction
rgfp1015 GraphITE: Estimating Individual Effects of Graph-structured Treatments
rgfp1129 MentalSpot: Effective Early Screening for Depression Based on Social Contagion
rgfp2105 Integrating Static and Time-Series Data in Deep Recurrent Models for Oncology Early Warning Systems
rgfp0531 GF-VAE: A Flow-based Variational Autoencoder for Molecule Generation
rgfp0411 #StayHome or #Marathon?: Social Media Enhanced Pandemic Surveillance on Spatial-temporal Dynamic Graphs
rgfp0044 Tracking Semantic Evolutionary Changes in Large-Scale Ontological Knowledge Bases
afp1201 HierST: A Unified Hierarchical Spatial-temporal Framework for COVID-19 Trend Forecasting
  • Papers highlighted in green indicate the paper is selected for a live spotlight presentation.
  • Papers highlighted in gold indicate the paper has been shortlisted for a best paper award (and will also be presented live).
This programme is indicative. Once registered, please refer to the session programme on Underline.