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Session 3E: Scalability issues in Machine Learning

First presentation

Start: 2021-11-03 10:40

End: 2021-11-03 11:50

Second presentation

Start: 2021-11-03 22:40

End: 2021-11-03 23:50

Papers in this session

rgfp0827 Jointly-Learned State-Action Embedding for Efficient Reinforcement Learning
rgfp2171 ALADDIN: Asymmetric Centralized Training for Distributed Deep Learning
rgfp0034 An Efficient Quantitative Approach for Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks
rgfp1278 FiShNet: Fine-Grained Filter Sharing for Resource-Efficient Multi-Task Learning
rgfp1949 Norma: A Hybrid Feature Alignment for Class-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
rgfp0607 Influence-guided Data Augmentation for Neural Tensor Completion
rgfp1001 Efficient Multi-Scale Feature Generation Adaptive Network
rgfp0133 Geometric Heuristics for Transfer Learning in Decision Trees
rgfp0678 Dynamic Early Exit Scheduling for Deep Neural Network Inference through Contextual Bandits
rgfp0637 Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization under Multi-Source Covariate Shift
rgfp0518 CANN: Coupled Approximation Neural Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
  • Papers highlighted in green indicate the paper is selected for a live spotlight presentation.
  • Papers highlighted in gold indicate the paper has been shortlisted for a best paper award (and will also be presented live).
This programme is indicative. Once registered, please refer to the session programme on Underline.