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Session 2C: Machine Learning

First presentation

Chair: Haytham Fayek

Start: 2021-11-02 13:00

End: 2021-11-02 14:10

Second presentation


Start: 2021-11-03 01:00

End: 2021-11-03 02:10

Papers in this session

rgfp0030 To Be or not to Be, Tail Labels in Extreme Multi-label Learning
rgfp0369 Detecting the Fake Candidate Instances: Ambiguous Label Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks
rgfp0665 Interpreting Convolutional Sequence Model by Learning Local Prototypes with Adaptation Regularization
rgfp0814 CIExplore: Curiosity and Influence-based Exploration in Multi-Agent Cooperative Scenarios with Sparse Rewards
rgfp0815 Fairness-Aware Training of Decision Trees by Abstract Interpretation
rgfp0615 HetMAML: Task-Heterogeneous Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Learning Across Modalities
rgfp0806 Estimating Average Treatment Effects via Orthogonal Regularization
rgfp0725 Revisiting State Augmentation methods for Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Delays
rgfp0754 Understanding the Property of Long Term Memory for the LSTM with Attention Mechanism
rgfp0456 Understanding Event Predictions via Contextualized Multilevel Feature Learning
rgfp0017 The Shapley Value of Classifiers in Ensemble Games
  • Papers highlighted in green indicate the paper is selected for a live spotlight presentation.
  • Papers highlighted in gold indicate the paper has been shortlisted for a best paper award (and will also be presented live).
This programme is indicative. Once registered, please refer to the session programme on Underline.